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Savannah Newcomers Club

Empowering Women Through Community


Savannah Newcomers Club (SNC) was organized in 1949 by a small group of women who met in each other’s homes, showcasing their hospitality, and opening their doors to those who recently moved to the area. From the beginning, the purpose of establishing SNC “shall be the development of fellowship and acquaintance among new residents and their assimilation into the citizenship and social activities of their new community.”

When first established, SNC was an affiliate of the Savannah Chamber of Commerce. The first bylaws were adopted on March 19, 1952, and the first officers elected in 1956, with Lois Smith serving as the first SNC president. By 1973, SNC had 142 members and since that time our membership has steadily grown to over 540 members in 2024.

Over the years, SNC’s activities and committees have changed to reflect the interests of our members. In the 1970s, our members were busy with arts and crafts, dinner groups, bridge clubs (two groups) and bowling clubs (two groups). A nursery was provided for some of these gatherings to make attendance easier for young mothers. Today, SNC has over 35 busy groups and activities, including six book clubs, five sporting groups and eight dining and drinking groups! In 2024 alone, SNC started three new groups, including Helping Hands-Community Connections, where members can learn about volunteer opportunities in our community.

The heart of SNC has always been its monthly luncheons. Since our early years, we’ve met at various local restaurants and club houses, introducing our members to Savannah’s rich historical, cultural, and civic opportunities with guest speakers. These luncheons also provide an opportunity to socialize and catch up on the club’s current activities and events. At our December luncheon each year, SNC donates to a local charity, and challenges our members to donate as well. This annual giving tradition started in the early years, with members offering wrapped holiday gifts for children or nursing home residents.

Over the past 75 years, SNC has gone through many changes to better reflect the interests and needs of our members. However, we’ve always stayed true to our original purpose of introducing new residents to Savannah’s cultural and civic offerings, while providing numerous opportunities to make lasting friendships.

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